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If you or someone that you care about in Harrisonburg, Virginia is suffering with an alcohol addiction, you are probably riding an emotional roller coaster. You may be holding your breath every day because your loved one in Harrisonburg, Virginia has developed an alcoholism problem and you do not even know what behavior to expect from them on a daily basis. You are not alone, as this common scenario in Harrisonburg, Virginia is one that is also being played out in various other cities that are located across the U.S. today.
The specific causes of alcoholism are varied and could include social and environmental factors such as peer pressure; many individuals in Harrisonburg will initially use alcohol in order to temporarily forget about many of the unpleasant aspects of their lives. Because alcohol is a depressant, it acts on the central nervous system and offers short term relief from a stressful state. Unfortunately this process occurs in a very harmful way that often leads to the individual from Harrisonburg into the grips of an alcoholism problem.
It is important for an individual from Harrisonburg, VA. to get treatment once an alcohol addiction has been determined; as the short-term effects of alcohol abuse can include memory loss, and blackouts and some of the long-term effects of an alcoholism problem include stomach ailments, heart problems, brain damage, and potentially fatal liver cirrhosis.
Getting treatment from an Alcohol Treatment Facility for an alcohol addiction can benefit each person that is in a relationship with the alcoholic, because alcoholism problems can have a negative impact in every single area of their lives. When a family in Harrisonburg, Virginia is attempting to deal with a loved one's alcoholism without reaching out for professional help, everyone is held hostage to this insidious condition as unpredictability and violence are hallmarks of an alcohol addiction.
A necessary first step in any quality Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation Program is the alcohol detox process; the individual from Harrisonburg, VA. that is going this process in treatment will undergo withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe depending on various aspects of the alcohol addiction; these factors can include how long and how much the individual from Harrisonburg has been drinking.
There are many different types of treatment for an individual in Harrisonburg with an alcohol addiction, including long term inpatient rehab treatment, short term outpatient alcohol addiction rehab, holistic alcohol addiction treatment and alcoholism recovery support groups. The main goal of any Alcohol Rehab Program should first and foremost be to help the individual from Harrisonburg to be able to achieve and maintain long term sobriety for the rest of their lives.
Our primary goal is to assist people from Harrisonburg, Virginia that are struggling with an alcohol addiction. Our professional counselors are standing by right now to assist you, so call right now to get the help that you both need and deserve.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around Harrisonburg, Virginia
- Harrisonburg Rockingham Harrisonburg, VA, 22802
- Rockingham Memorial Hospital Harrisonburg, VA, 22801
- Mental Wellness Now LLC Harrisonburg, VA, 22802
- Harrisonburg Treatment Center Harrisonburg, VA, 22801
- Valley Community Services Board Staunton, VA, 24401
- PACT Staunton, VA, 24401
- Liberty Point Behavioral Healthcare Staunton, VA, 24401
- Augusta Health Fishersville, VA, 22939
- Orchard Mountain Recovery Charlottesville, VA, 22901
- UVA Child Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic Charlottesville, VA, 22903
- Contact Us
- Becoming divorced leads to increased alcohol consumption in those that drink.
- Studies suggest that individuals who do not meet the criteria for alcohol dependence or abuse, but who are drinking at levels that place them at risk for increased problems, can be helped through screening and brief intervention.
- Excessive alcohol use resulting in impaired judgement may worsen the tendency of some men to mistake a women�''s friendly behavior for sexual interest and misjudge their use of force.
- Pregnant women who drink risk having babies with fetal alcohol syndrome.
- Harrisonburg, VA. Al-Anon Support Group Meetings
Muhlenberg Lutheran Church
Brown Baggers Afg
281 East Market St
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Mon., 12:00 PM
Wed., 12:00 PM
Tue., 7:00 PM
Fri., 8:00 PM
For more information, visit