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Alcohol addiction and alcoholism are serious problems in Virginia Beach, VA. that must be addressed. Alcohol is used freely in our society, sometimes too freely. While normal alcohol consumption is very common and socially acceptable, it is still a drug. As a result, it can be hard for an individual to see when their drinking has crossed the line from casual or social use to alcohol addiction or alcoholism.
If someone in Virginia Beach is consuming alcohol just to feel good or to avoid feeling bad, this is a sign of alcohol addiction or alcoholism. It's one thing to have a couple of drinks with friends. It's a problem when a couple of drinks turn into obsessively drinking large amounts of alcohol despite the consequences. The individual may be trying to self medicate with alcohol, instead of handling a stressful situation or confronting a problem. Whatever the case may be, he is only making his problems worse by adding alcohol to the equation.
Alcohol addiction and alcoholism can potentially damage every organ in the body, so someone who is not getting help and continuing to drink is playing with fire. Alcohol addiction and alcoholism also depletes the individual's ability to focus on positive and productive things in life. An alcoholic usually winds up losing everything that is important to them due to their destructive habits and behavior. It is vitally important that someone addicted to alcohol in Virginia Beach get help from an Alcohol Treatment Facility before it is too late.
Individuals who admit that they have a drinking problem and seek help in the form of an Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation Program can take advantage of the counseling, peer support and the help of specialists. The psychological and emotional issues which are involved in their addiction can be addressed in a safe environment free of influences which may have triggered their addiction. An Alcohol Rehab Program will give the individual the best chance at long-term sobriety.
Individuals in Virginia Beach, VA. that have abused alcohol for some time and want to stop will experience withdrawal symptoms when they do so. An Alcohol Abuse Rehab Program in Virginia Beach is aware of this problem and how to handle it, and will see the person successfully through withdrawal and alcohol detoxification. This is a much better solution than the person attempting to stop on their own.
Alcohol addiction treatment options vary from person to person; Examples of treatment options available in Virginia Beach, Virginia are Long-term Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facilities, Outpatient Alcoholism Rehab Programs, Short-term Alcohol Rehab Centers, Inpatient Alcohol Addiction Rehab Facilities, support group meetings, alcoholism counseling, halfway houses and sober living.
Don't let alcohol addiction or alcoholism get the best of you or someone you care about. Contact a counselor in Virginia Beach today and discover which treatment option will work for you or someone you care about today.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in Virginia Beach, Virginia
- Affinity Healthcare Group Virginia Beach, VA, 23462
- Lynnhaven Center Virginia Beach, VA, 23452
- Adult Outpatient Services Pembroke 6 Virginia Beach, VA, 23462
- Brighter Futures Inc Virginia Beach, VA, 23464
- Divine Works Virginia Beach, VA, 23462
- Virginia Beach Dept of DHS MHSA Div Virginia Beach, VA, 23452
- SARP NAS Oceana Virginia Beach, VA, 23460
- Virginia Beach Dept of Human Services Virginia Beach, VA, 23462
- Mental Health Substance Abuse Division Virginia Beach, VA, 23462
- Tidewater Psychotherapy Services Virginia Beach, VA, 23462
- Recovery for the City International Virginia Beach, VA, 23452
- Hampton VAMC Virginia Beach, VA, 23462
- Sellati and Company Inc Virginia Beach, VA, 23454
- Supportive in Home Virginia Beach, VA, 23453
- Virginia Beach Virginia Beach, VA, 23454
- Contact Us
- When an individual has a blood alcohol level of .2 %, they are considered to be "grossly intoxicated" and will begin to slur their speech and have a difficult time walking.
- Tolerance means you may not feel the same effects of alcohol as you continue to use, but your blood alcohol concentration level may remain high.
- An estimated 6 % of the offspring of alcoholic women have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS); the FAS risk for offspring born after a FAS sibling, is as much as 70%.
- From 2001 to 2003 the alcohol beverage industry spent $2.5 billion on television product advertising, and only $27 million on "responsibility" programs.
- AA Meetings in Virginia Beach, VA.
Caring & Sharing
Bayside Presbyterian Church
Independence Blvd & Ewell Rd
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23455
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Sunday, 8:00 PM
Seeds Of Growth
Friends Meetinghouse
1537 Laskin Rd.
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Saturday, 8:30 PM
Small Shores
All Saints Episcopal
1968 Woodside Lane
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Monday, 8:00 PM
Sober And Sane
Virginia Beach Psychiatric Center
1100 1st Colonial Rd
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
Friday, 7:30 PM
- Virginia Beach, VA. Al-Anon Support Group Meetings
Afg Headquarters Inc
Thursday Corporate Landing
1600 Corporate Landing
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Thu., 6:00 PM
All Saints Episcopal Church
Small Shores Afg
1968 Woodside Lane
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Mon., 8:00 PM
Bayside Presbyterian Church
Caring & Sharing Alateen
1400 Ewell Road
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Sun., 8:00 PM
Sun., 8:00 PM
Sun., 8:00 PM
Emmanual Episcopal Church
Basic Recovery Afg
5181 Princess Anne Road
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Mon., 8:00 PM
Emmanuel Lutheran Church Parish House
T.G.I.F. Afg 12 Step Study
301 Lynn Shores Dr
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Fri., 1:00 PM
Foundry United Methodist
Beginners Open Door Al-Anon
2801 Virginia Beach Blvd.
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Mon., 7:30 PM
Wed., 12:00 PM
Galilee Episcopal Church
Beach Afg
3928 Pacific Ave
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Sat., 7:00 PM
Old Donation Episcopal Church
Old Donation Afg
4449 N. Witchduck Rd
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Fri., 6:00 PM
Sandbridge Community Chapel
Sandbridgbe Afg
3041 Sandpiper Road
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Tue., 8:00 PM
Spring Branch Community Church
Beach Parents Afg
1500 N Great Neck Rd
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Tue., 6:30 PM
St. Francis Episcopal Church
Changing Attitudes Afg
509 Rosemont Rd.
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Thu., 8:00 PM
St. Nicholas Catholic Church
Kings Grant 12 Step Study Afg
644 Little Neck Road
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Tue., 8:00 PM
Thalia United Meth. Church
Thursday Noon Al-Anon
4321 Va Beach Blvd
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Thu., 12:30 PM
Virginia Beach First Chuch Of The Nazarene
Together We Can Afg
4413 Wishart Rd
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Wed., 8:00 PM
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